Mion - The finishing touch
Mion - The finishing touch

Environment and Social

Located within the Euganean Hills Regional Park, Mion has always been committed to safeguarding the territory. Respect for and protection of the environment are the founding principles of its growth, in terms of business value and value for future generations, thanks to its daily commitment in various areas, in particular: use of recycled materials, use of energy from renewable sources, non-polluting plants, efficiency in activities to minimise consumption and waste, and collaboration with suppliers who guarantee the same attitude of respect for the environment.

Our concrete commitment in numbers
Millions of bottles recycled each year to produce labels exclusively with recycled yarns
of the human resources employed are women, present in all
hierarchical levels
CO2 emissions cut per year thanks to a 750 KWp solar power plant using 3600m2 of surface area
Average hours of training provided per year

We are what we claim

To those who join Mion, the difference between stated and established behaviour is immediately obvious. Mion's employees feel an integral part not only of the company, but also of its success and growth. The pride and passion with which employees and collaborators recount their daily contribution to the development of the business is proof of an affection and sense of belonging, which is anything but taken for granted, reinforced by the shared founding values.

Ambiente e sociale

35038 - Torreglia (PD) Italia – Via Cornaro, 7 | +39 049 999 76 00 | info@mion.com | P.IVA 03898370287 | C.F. 91015690240 | Reg. Imprese Padova – R.E.A. 311506
