Mion - The finishing touch
Mion - The finishing touch

From design to production


When a customer gets in touch with Mion, he can rely on a team of professionals dedicated to assess and manage every aspect of his project at every stage. After the initial gathering of information, fulfilled by our sales team, each textile or typographic project is presented to the R&D department, so that they analyze its aesthetic and functional requirements, assessing the actual technical feasibility of them: the design office supports the generative process with proposals and graphic simulations, while the product offices translate such ideas into tangible items, by selecting the most appropriate materials, yarns, papers, finishes, folds, details, and accessories, in order to provide our customers with the best solution for their ideas.

The process

After the analysis and evaluation by the R&D department, the project is passed to the CAD office for the textile products or to the pre-press office for the typographic ones. It is here that every project starts to take shape: the graphic concept is transformed into production layouts for the weaving and printing machines. The layouts are customized, thanks to the expertise of our professionals, based on the characteristics of the chosen materials, whether it's yarn or paper substrate, and of the subsequent finishes. The concept becomes graphics, and graphics turn into instructions for the machine.

The production

The project is now ready for the sampling process. Having the largest array of looms for labels in Europe allows us to produce finished samples within a few days from the customer's request. But that's not all: thanks to our online tool, called Mion Color Gear, customers can simulate the color variations requested by their designers, with absolutely realistic and renderings generated in real-time. Speed and efficiency are ensured by the availability in stock of more than 250 yarn colors and a production department operating 24 hours a day.

For printed products, the skilled technicians at Mion Prints meticulously fine-tune every detail during the sampling phase, from the customized colors created upon request, to the cutting and finishing phases. Everything is recorded and filed to ensure the consistency of the subsequent productions and the maintenance of the same high-quality standard. Mion Prints' machinery lineup includes multiple operational stations for each process (three offset machines, three screen printers, five die-cutters, etc.), that ensure a high capacity of production. Moreover, Mion Prints deploys two high-tech machines for the production of smart hangtags.

The entire production process, including all finishing processes (such as lamination and plasticization), is carried out within our departments, ensuring quality controls at every step and the maximum confidentiality about the branded items.

Logistics and warehouse Security and quality control

35038 - Torreglia (PD) Italia – Via Cornaro, 7 | +39 049 999 76 00 | info@mion.com | P.IVA 03898370287 | C.F. 91015690240 | Reg. Imprese Padova – R.E.A. 311506
