Mion - The finishing touch
Mion - The finishing touch
Mion - The finishing touch

Our decisions and actions are guided by respect for people, environment, and the company economic and financial balance.

Sustainability has always been part of our DNA

Our business model is built on sustainable development, ensured by the care we dedicate to the materials used and the resources employed, continuous technological innovation, and a commitment to the local community. This is done in respect of our collaborators, customers, and the environment in which the company operates.

Governance and Corporate Value

Mion promotes ethical and responsible business capable of generating sustainable value. 

Over the years, Mion has made its commitment to Sustainability increasingly integrated with its corporate strategy, developing governance tools to be applied both within the internal work teams and towards external stakeholders.

Environment and social

Located within the Euganean Hills Regional Park, Mion has always been committed to safeguarding the territory.

Respect for and protection of the environment are founding principles of its growth, in terms of business value and value for future generations, thanks to its daily commitment in several areas, in particular: use of recycled materials, use of energy from renewable sources, non-polluting plants, efficiency of activities to minimise consumption and waste, collaboration with suppliers who guarantee the same attitude of respect for the environment.

35038 - Torreglia (PD) Italia – Via Cornaro, 7 | +39 049 999 76 00 | info@mion.com | P.IVA 03898370287 | C.F. 91015690240 | Reg. Imprese Padova – R.E.A. 311506
